Saturday 5 January 2019


It is no longer news that Nigeria lost one of the most talented young men in this country at the time when everyone was celebrating the new year. DJ Xgee! It was a disturbing news.
But more disturbing is the story surrounding his death - suicide. The question on everybody's lips is, what will make a young man in his prime take his life?

One may think or assume that he has everything going well for him given maybe where he lives, the kind of car he uses, his lifestyle etc.

Truth is, there is more to life than what we think or assume. Most of the time we measure happiness by achievements, physical possessions and what we see on the outside but it is not always like that.
Someone may live in a mansion, drive the best cars, travel to choice countries at the snap of the fingers but living in misery.
A lot of couples appear happy on the outside but miserable on the inside etc.

What's the point, you may ask? The point is, when you get to the point where you start having funny ideas about death, when it seems you are going crazy, seek help, get counselling.
If your relationship has become toxic and life threatening, please don't feel bad or ashamed to ask for help so you can save your life.
If it means going away for sometime, please do.

If your loved one behaves in an unusual way, please feel concerned, ask questions and if you cannot help, get assistance for him or her.

If a lively and jovial person suddenly becomes withdrawn and unnecessarily quiet, please find out what he or she is going through.
Let us always check up on our loved ones from time to time.
Don't always assume that all is well with them, some of them might be going through bad times.

With the current situation of things economically, a lot of us are under so much pressure from even our families, and a lot of people you see on the streets are walking corpses.

Learn to take things easy, do not take your frustrations out on anybody; be it family, friends or strangers. You may not know how it will end.
Learn to walk away from anything that threatens your life and/or your peace of mind please.
Learn to talk to God about any situation you may find yourself and trust him at all times to help you out. You don't need to sleep in church, speak to him anywhere and anytime.
Listen to any music you like when you feel stressed, it helps.

Settle any dispute you have with anybody, especially your spouse. Do not let it get out of hand, and be careful what you say to each other in the heat of argument or anger.
Learn to forgive people when they offend you; even if they don't apologise. Do it for your peace of mind.

Make your doctor your friend this year; if you can hide things from everybody, do not hide from your doctor or your trusted friend.

Learn to consider how your loved ones will feel before you take any decision.

May God help us!
Rest in peace DJ Xgee!

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