Saturday 5 January 2019

Welcome to year 2019

The beginning of each year is always associated and welcomed with high hopes, goodwills, high and positive expectations, mixed feelings, celebrations and the likes. A lot of us look forward to crossover funfares, prayers, prophecies, and predictions that would chart the course of their lives for the year.
Some people make new year resolutions which they may or may not be able to uphold; some are broken before the end of the first day.

Whatever be the case however, the truth is that the only thing that changed is the year, in this case the figures, but all other things remain the same; our lives, families, jobs or businesses etc.
No matter the prayers, prophecies etc, our destinies still lies in our hands. The only person who can stop us from achieving our goals, plans and aspirations is "OURSELVES".

I came across a post on social media, I do not know the author or the source but I found it interesting and different from the usual wishes.

I found it a better wish for anybody, edited some part of it.
Here it is:
"I am not wishing anybody anything for 2019:
For HEALTH, see the doctor, eat well and exercise.
For MONEY/FINANCES, reduce the amount of time you sleep, not more than 6 hours per day, work; work like your life depends on it, and of course it does. Have a budget for every expenditure, save and invest.
For LOVE, be honest and sincere in your relationships.
For SUCCESS, work hard, be patient, and persevere.
For HAPPINESS, make your family and neighbours happy.
For SALVATION, trust God and do His will.

Bottomline is, Take more responsibility for your life and fate in 2019, ask God to help you, guide you and direct your path.
I wish us all a very good year.

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