Thursday 28 February 2019

The True Beauty of a Woman

… beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised (Proverbs 31:30)

Beauty, as it is often said, is in the eyes of the beholder. Our society is in a confused state as to how a woman should look. On the one hand, some say we should be true to ourselves, that size and looks do not matter and on the other hand, magazines focus on women who are physically beautiful, with beautiful breasts and spotless faces. 
In the church as well, the issue of how a woman should look has brought a lot of confusions. 

Beauty can be categorized into two – the outer beauty (shape, colour, facial look, height, body size and weight), and the inner beauty (personality, character, charm, heart etc.). 
No woman is ugly; every woman is unique and beautiful in her own way. The inner beauty is always the best beauty because it radiates from the inside and reflects on the outside. 

The true beauty of a woman does not come from looking at the mirror, but deep down the heart is where the beauty of the woman resides/dwells - the heart determines the beauty. It must be seen in her eyes, the doorway to her heart! 

Men, do not love that woman because she is physically beautiful, rather, a woman becomes beautiful because of your love for her. That explains why some men fall out of love when what attracted them initially is no longer there. 
No matter how beautiful a woman may look, if it does not come from the inside, it repulses whoever comes her way, and if someone approaches her based on her looks alone, the relationship dies with time. 

Women, you do not need a perfect figure to be beautiful, do not need expensive wardrobe to impress, rather should be confident and positive in your appearance, it is far more precious. You do not also need make-up or new hairstyle to attract that guy, rather be joyful, soft and passionate because it makes you sparkle. Radiate with excitement and energy and he won’t help but notice you each time he sees you. 

There is one remarkable woman in the bible who every woman should strive to be like; she represents beauty in its totality, and that is the woman in Proverbs 31:10-31. 

Let us see some descriptions of her: 
1. Her husband loves and trusts her with all his heart (vs. 11,12) 
2. She is enterprising and hardworking (vs. 13-16,24) 
3. She is strong (vs. 17-19,25) 
4. She is compassionate (vs. 20) 
5. She is caring (vs. 21,27) 
6. She is careful with her looks. In other words she is neat (vs. 22) 
7. Her husband is proud of her (vs. 23) 
8. She is wise, and careful with words (vs. 26) 
9. She is loving (vs. 28) 
10. She is rewarded for her labour of love (vs. 31) 

 She is a demonstration of how beauty and wisdom is not restricted to religious matters alone, but in every aspect of our lives. May our lives as women, demonstrate the true beauty that is found in the life of this woman in Jesus name. 

God bless you! 


Love is not a feeling as many people believe it is; it is a choice to be with someone regardless of who he or she is, how badly behaved the person is, etc.
Love is pain. And sacrifice, but it’s also the most beautiful thing in the world when it’s real and reciprocated.

Imagine someone knowing everything about you. Everything, even the small things. The things you are embarrassed about and don’t want anyone to know. Imagine messing up, and even letting that person down. They forgive you. They are wise enough to read between the lines of the situation, and they don’t judge you for it. They love you.

Truly there is no fear in love according to the Bible and I cannot help but wonder why people claim they love someone but are afraid of losing the one they claim to love.
Anyone who is afraid to lose you is not in love with you. Love is powerful, love is crazy. Love and fear are not classmates or co-equals. Where love can travel to, fear cannot. What love can do, fear cannot.

Love makes you see the possible in the impossible. Love makes you see dreams come true when you have not yet started. Love makes you do crazy things you can't explain or see yourself doing when you were not in love.

Love makes you take risk for a stranger; a risk you will never ever take for your relative. Love makes you deny the truth, and believe in fairytales. Love makes you a talkative when you naturally hate to talk. Love gives you energy that energy drinks cannot give.
Love makes you give your all to someone, go to bed on empty stomach yet smiling.

Love makes us more human, thoughtful, considerate, caring, compassionate and affectionate. When you love, you express it and your actions draw the one you love close to you.
Expressing how we feel makes us happy, we don't get tired of doing that and nobody forces us to do so.

These days people don't do that, they rather try their best to impress you and soon get tired of doing so. That is not love. That is manipulation. People are only impressed with our action when care is truly expressed.

I wonder why people go out of their way to beg for love, a thing that should freely be given to you. Begging for it makes it fake. If they love you, they are drawn to you, they can't live without you. The love they have for you leaves them breathless.

Love makes you see good in people and situations. It isn’t love when people claim to love you but all they see are your shortfalls, weaknesses and flaws. It is not love when all people do to you is to blame, accuse, criticize, and insult you.

When people are in love with you, they fall in love with every little thing of yours. Your smile, gestures, effort. They don't do that because of what you give them, or the big things you have such as money, property, luxury, etc.

In conclusion "Many waters cannot quench the flame of love, neither can the floods drown it. If a man tried to buy it with everything he owned, he couldn’t do it" - Song of Songs 8:4:7.

Thank you.

Please share your thoughts.

Wednesday 27 February 2019


After the official announcement of results from 34 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) by INEC, President Muhamadu Buhari, the canditate of the All Progressives Congress emerged as the winner of the presidential elections after getting 14,602,455 votes as against the 10,663,584 votes of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate, Atiku Abubakar.
He will serve another four years.

However, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has rejected the results of the election accusing INEC of manipulations of the polls, and has taken the matter to court. Will they win? Time will tell.

Also there has been mixed feelings and reactions of Nigerians on the conduct of the elections which was marred by violence across the nation and collation of the result.



"Make The Corpse Walk" was a book title made popular by that prolific writer of my time, James Hardly Chase.
"The Man Died" was the title of that master piece by our own Wole Soyinka. A book some people described as unreadable because of its high level prose and intellectual content looking into the future.
Combining the two titles I find myself in South Africa!
There a man "died", his coffin polished to shine beyond the glitz of all the lights around.
A deceitful man moves his hands over and above his torso like a magician in the mold of the famous Prof. Peller, that Nigerian who made a success of that trade that I have never understood the mythology.
These South African guy men, one in the coffin and the one standing didn't control the scrutiny of the lenses of the cameras even as the dead man was struggling to breath through suffocating woolen balls in his nostrils. The video is just a tragedy.
Then suddenly the abracadabra is finished, he gets up like a programmed robot, drops his mouth in awe as a dead fool he was pretending to be.
It didn't end the scam.
He gets up and walks through a cluster of master con men who organized the blasphemy, as senior church members .
Oooooh, the blazer flips open and there it is under the lapel: An Android phone!
In the pocket of a supposedly dead man?! See it circled in the picture.
Next he seats in front of the congregation enjoying a pack of continental meal, popping his eyes, still moving his head like a programmed robot.
Dear Christ, all you told us in the Scriptures are coming through faster than we expect. My soul quivers at the precision of the Holy Bible. It is amazing how each is coming through before our eyes.
Even as the love of man to his fellow humans has gone so cold amongst his fellow beings. That too was clearly written in the Bible in this end times.
Was it written that a country should organise the most laughable jamboree in crude rigging and call it election? Yes, that one is written from Genesis to Revelation. The struggle of good over evil. Man, what art thou is not cursed!
And a system unleashes terrorism and blood spilling?!
Evil can be sown in a people, by the people, but it is written that those who sow evil or turn blind eyes when one is committed shall reap evil.
In Africa, the dead rides supreme while the living celebrate the dead even when they come down as a chip of cosmos itself. When they do, they sure have Android phones straight from that region of the spirits and the unknown!
We are not mocked by anybody or race. We are just left to wade in the woods or worse to simmer in our own juice.
by Pat Uchendu. 

Sunday 24 February 2019

19 Year old looses life (Photos)

A 19 year old boy, Daniel Usman reportedly lost his life in Kogi State yesterday while exercising his civic responsibility at the polls.
It was reported that he was hit by a stray bullet while waiting to cast his vote and died on the spot. So sad indeed.

Below are some screenshots of his posts shortly before the elections:

A concerned citizen took to his twitter page and has this to say;

May his soul rest in Peace!


Finally the 2019 Presidential, Senatorial and House of Representatives' Elections took place in almost all parts of the federation yesterday 23rd February, but not without some very irresponsible actions and violence by both the security agents who were supposed to protect citizens, and some party hoodlums leaving some bitter tastes in our mouths.

Elections in some states have been postponed to a later date as a result of some irregularities which would be announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

We await the results of the elections from INEC as we hope for a better Nigeria!

Monday 18 February 2019


This last Saturday, February 16,  2019 will go down as a day every conceivable negative reaction hit most Nigerians, home and in diaspora who had wished the elections held.

From shock to disbelief, disappointment to anger, dismay to sadness you name it. Some feelings were bottled up in a mix of emotions hard for the carriers to describe.

Now we are in a new week, a week of hopeful polls as promised by INEC. It's a second pregnancy for a nation in just 7 days and that's quite unnatural for the wellbeing of a nation. I do not know of any creature that is pregnant twice in one week.

I remember the late iconic Artist, about the best this nation has produced. The late Prof. Ben Enweonwu in one of the interviews he granted in the late 80's to The Guardian Newspaper, where he said something that generated a lot of controversy, of which he defended until all the contrasting views petered.

He had said that:
"pregnancy is a distortion of beauty, much as its natural" He went further to argue that the womb of a pregnant woman carries a foreign body for which it must release to regain beauty and reset to its natural design.

I personally did not agree with him, much as I was a student then. And I am still not convinced about his professorial views on that, although he was an authority in arts. For me most women are a lot more beautiful when they are pregnant. A lot others are happier at the prospect of motherhood. But can I argue with a Prof?

So, Nigeria is in that unnatural double pregnancy in seven days, an aberration of sort. And what have we? It's a week of INEC and the political parties going back to their meeting rooms, out from the trenches of last week. And the citizens, the electorate readjusting to the beat of the days much as some are still digging in to the various places they had traveled to vote. It's a week that is preceded with all manner of videos and pictures of those caught with ballot papers and the so called sensitive materials.

You read one story that it's APC agents here or there that are caught and the moment you scroll down the same videos and pictures change the narrative that it's PDP agents that are caught

The scenes keep changing like a hurricane weather, from those to other accusations and counters. APC blames PDP for postponing the elections, PDP turns round to blame APC for same misadventure, then suddenly IPOB is drawn into the blame safari. It's all drama!

Suddenly the blame jumps to INEC, who blames everything and everyone without a single blame to self.

As it's all getting interesting the same INEC finally blames weather, poor visibility and difficult terrains for their operations.

And that is where I remember Mark Antony in that all time funeral of Julius Caesar after his assassination in the Capitol, with his epic oration in the speech... "Friends, Romans, Countrymen Lend Me Your Ears"... where he sorrowfully lamented that if the dagger wounds inflicted on the morbid body of Caesar could talk, they would speak a thousand words. He begged them to speak, but there you are. Non living things don't utter words. They belong to the category of poor weather INEC talked about.

Dear elements, where art thou mouths. Speak! Speak!! For INEC finally laid the blame on you, as the mother of all logistics

By Pat Uchendu

Linda Ikeji Flaunts Her Cars (Photo)

A popular blogger and a mother of one, 38-year Linda Ikeji who stays in a highbrow area in Lagos, Banana Island yesterday flaunted her collection of cars which include; a Range Rover, a Mercedez Benz and also a Bentley which is close to a N100 million.

She went to her instagram page on sunday (yesterday) and wrote:

"Little girl problem. Wondering which car to drive out in today... Seriously, nothing beats having money of your own. #toosweet!"

Money is good, no doubt!

Baba Suwe seriously sick

Veteran actor, Baba Suwe is said to be seriously sick, and there are speculations that he might not make it if help does not get to him on time.
Inside sources alleged Babatunde Omidina a.k.a. Baba Suwe's problem started after his arrest and humiliation for alleged drug smuggling by the NDLEA; and that he has never remained his lively self since then.

Recall three years ago, Yomi Fabiyi brought the story of his unknown sickness to limelight, but many of his colleagues failed to help.

According to information gathered, no one among Baba Suwe’s friends and professional colleagues was willing to help solve his deteriorating health challenge.

According to a Lagos broadcaster who pleaded anonymity, “Baba Suwe is a good man. None of his people can say that he is bad. They chose not to help him not because he behaved badly to them, but because they care only about themselves and their families.

That’s the nature of our actors, there is no exception.

However, if, God forbid, he dies from the problem, they would be all over the place eulogising his qualities which they helped kill by their lack of empathy,” the broadcaster notes.

Well-meaning Nigerians and members of the public are appealed to help him.

Saturday 16 February 2019


Its the wee hours of the election day that never held. The sun takes its course to set, as it has been from creation.

Day must dovetail into the night to allow the creatures of darkness rear forth their heads. They wait, getting ready to start their own day in the night.

Life as a matter of fact must move on for the living. Even the immobile things like the rocks, the surface of the earth and objects must release some energy they took from the sun. It's not theirs for keeping. It's called cooling effect, but empirical science explains it further. Science claims that what is lost is gained.

INEC postpones elections
Many people and institutions got hit. But in that sphere of social and political sciences did we gain the day that we just lost to incompetence and unpreparedess?

No accounting firm in the entire wide world can calculate the loss Nigeria went through today.

Politicians are focused on, because they were to have their show today, just as parties who must have lost incalculable fortunes are licking their wounds.

And the nation herself, the cost is put in the neighborhood of trillions of Naira, just in one day. But not everything is in Naira and kobo.

Even the INEC officials may have had their healths affected one way or another by enormous pressure and stress. While the rest of us are equally recovering from shock and disbelief.

Everyone has one loss or another. One or two stories to tell about today.

And the mothers, like the woman in this picture which story has it that she produced four times her daily supply of this local beverage called kunu. Who knows, she may have used her last capital in the hope to make huge sales to would be voters, who under the heat of the day must have patronized her if only to cool their politically tensed nerves. Nigerians were really prepared to discharge their civic rights.

But no, the Nigerian system mercilessly struck and she is left stuck with unsold stuff.

Her children waiting at home, hoping that mummy will bring home some candies, perhaps more than she usually does.

It is a story dotted across the nation in many forms and shapes.
It is our story

Life goes on.

Written By Pat Uchendu

Friday 15 February 2019


It is another important time in our history as a nation, when another government emerges, or the incumbent takes over the affairs of this country for another four years.
Every NIGERIAN is enjoined as a civic responsibility to be a part of this history once again.

The right people will not win election when believers refuse to participate in politics.
Prayer is good, but prayer points do not count, only your votes count during elections!

Go out to vote on election Day


Vote right, vote wisely, do NOT SELL your votes. 

God bless Nigeria!

Breaking: Election Eve: killings too many!

The Kaduna State Government has confirmed the killing of 66 persons in Kajuru Local Government Area of the state.

The government condemned the killing and warned all communities against instigating attacks or reprisals.

A government statement signed by Samuel Aruwan, the spokesperson of Governor Nasir El-Rufai, on Friday said that security agencies have been deployed to the area, while arrests have been made.

Mr Aruwan did not state if the violence is election-related. He, however, said investigations have commenced.

Read Mr Aruwan’s statement below.

“Security agencies today reported the recovery of 66 bodies that were killed in attacks by criminal elements on various dispersed hamlets in the Maro Gida and Iri axis of Kajuru LGA. The settlements affected include Ruga Bahago, Ruga Daku, Ruga Ori, Ruga Haruna, Ruga Yukka Abubakar, Ruga Duni Kadiri, Ruga Shewuka and Ruga Shuaibu Yau".

Okowa Campaign AD

“Among the victims were 22 children and 12 women. Four wounded persons rescued by the security agencies are now receiving medical attention".

“Government condemns the attacks and commiserates with the families of the victims. Security agencies have been deployed to the area and arrests have been made".

Government urges community, traditional and religious leaders in the area to encourage residents to avoid any reprisal attacks and to leave the matter in the hands of the security and law enforcement agencies. The killings are being investigated and residents are assured that indicted persons will be prosecuted.

“Residents of Kaduna State are enjoined to uphold peace and harmony, shun violence and allow the elections to be held in an atmosphere of calm. Any suspicious activity should be reported to the security agencies in person or through the following lines: 09034000060 and 08170189999.”

Source: Premium Times

Thursday 14 February 2019

Another INEC fire?

A few days ago, Nigerians received the news of another fire outbreak at Anambra State office of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), a container where ballot papers and card readers were kept for Saturday, February 16th general elections. This happened few days after news of fire incidents at INEC of two different states.
News making the rounds suggests that these incidents might be politically motivated.
The question is, what could the motive behind it if the insinuations are true?

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Nigeria Decides: the Right Way to Vote

INEC has changed pattern of voting without majority of citizens being aware o!

You DON'T VOTE with YOUR THUMB ANYMORE ...YOU Vote wit Your INDEX FINGER( Warning Finger).

Any VOTE CAST WITH the THUMB is VOID (canceled) vote...!

Pls, don't only read this.. SHARE for many would-be Voters to be aware.

The DESTINY OF THIS NATION is Now in our Warning or Prophetic Finger..!

Difference between men and women

Nobody will disagree or argue with the fact that men and women are never the same physically, mentally, psychologically, emotionally and many other ways.
In my book, “The Real you…”, I mentioned that understanding the differences between individuals make relationships more interesting and less strenuous, and the differences are probably good…
The physical differences between men and women are obvious, can be seen and easily measured. Weight, size, shape, colour and anatomy are tangible and easily measured – men have greater upper strength (what we refer to as six packs), build muscle easily, have thicker skin which makes them bruise less easily, they are built for physical confrontation and use of force with joints well suited for throwing things/objects.
A man’s skull is thicker and stronger than a woman’s, which makes them more ‘thick-headed’ than women. Women on the other hand have like four times as many brain cells (neurons) connecting the right and left side of the brain unlike the male counterparts and this provides physical evidence that supports the observation that men rely easily and more heavily on their left brain to solve one problem one step at a time. Women have more efficient access to both sides of their brain and therefore makes greater use of their right brain (Michael G. Conner).
This explains why women multitask – focuses on more than one thing at a time. God doesn’t make mistakes.

Recognizing and understanding these differences especially in relationships can be stressful and difficult; but failure to recognize and appreciate these differences can become the cause of disappointments, frustrations, stress, tension and eventual collapse of relationships. You find out that instead of people to work past the difficulties, they would grudgingly accept or learn to cope or live with the consequences, when they feel they cannot change it.
Most of the relationship problems we have between men and women arise as a result of undue expectations – when we expect or assume the opposite sex should think, feel or act the way we do or that a relationship should be devoid of conflicts, issues or always end in happily ever after, in sweet communion and harmony.
These expectations are not only unrealistic but at the end of the day leave people feeling unloved, inadequate, insecure, ashamed and miserable etc. What is the way out? The only way is to be aware of our identities, understand and appreciate the differences and live our individual lives fully, not try to change others to suit our needs and to do away with any unnecessary expectations from one another.

An ideal relationship to a man is one where he gets to feel like the MAN – acknowledged, respected and appreciated while for the woman is one where she feels understood and connected to her man. We are going to look at the different ways that men and women are different, in stages.

So for now we would consider one: Problem solving 
Men and women approach problems with similar goals but with different methods and processes.

A man will consider himself weak and incapable if he voices out his feelings or leans on others for help or support, he prefers to think through and offer effective solutions to problems.
This explains why men always wants to have their space, resent or hate it when the women try to offer help or support – because it makes them feel like objects of pity, like they can’t handle their situations themselves.
Sound familiar? What do you do as a woman? Admire, appreciate, be a source of relief but don’t try to help him except he asks for it, don’t bring up his stresses or struggles and don’t take it personal. Just listen and understand, ask questions if need be but please, just understand, otherwise trying to help (which is part of the nature of a woman) pushes him away the more.

A woman would want to express or talk through her problems, discussing the situation in details and finding how to solve them, she want support from those close to her, which include her partner.
The solution to problems as well as how it is solved is important to a woman too, because to her it provides opportunity to strengthen the relationship with the person she is talking to.
Talking about issues and getting support makes a woman feel good, but this makes a man feel frustrated.
However, this does not encourage women discussing private/relationship matters with friends and relations; it is not good enough; there should be limits.

Understanding of these differences helps a lot in strengthening relationships between men and women, helps you understand that your partners have your best interests at heart and wants to help; they just do it in different ways.

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