Saturday 16 February 2019


Its the wee hours of the election day that never held. The sun takes its course to set, as it has been from creation.

Day must dovetail into the night to allow the creatures of darkness rear forth their heads. They wait, getting ready to start their own day in the night.

Life as a matter of fact must move on for the living. Even the immobile things like the rocks, the surface of the earth and objects must release some energy they took from the sun. It's not theirs for keeping. It's called cooling effect, but empirical science explains it further. Science claims that what is lost is gained.

INEC postpones elections
Many people and institutions got hit. But in that sphere of social and political sciences did we gain the day that we just lost to incompetence and unpreparedess?

No accounting firm in the entire wide world can calculate the loss Nigeria went through today.

Politicians are focused on, because they were to have their show today, just as parties who must have lost incalculable fortunes are licking their wounds.

And the nation herself, the cost is put in the neighborhood of trillions of Naira, just in one day. But not everything is in Naira and kobo.

Even the INEC officials may have had their healths affected one way or another by enormous pressure and stress. While the rest of us are equally recovering from shock and disbelief.

Everyone has one loss or another. One or two stories to tell about today.

And the mothers, like the woman in this picture which story has it that she produced four times her daily supply of this local beverage called kunu. Who knows, she may have used her last capital in the hope to make huge sales to would be voters, who under the heat of the day must have patronized her if only to cool their politically tensed nerves. Nigerians were really prepared to discharge their civic rights.

But no, the Nigerian system mercilessly struck and she is left stuck with unsold stuff.

Her children waiting at home, hoping that mummy will bring home some candies, perhaps more than she usually does.

It is a story dotted across the nation in many forms and shapes.
It is our story

Life goes on.

Written By Pat Uchendu

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