Thursday 28 February 2019

The True Beauty of a Woman

… beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised (Proverbs 31:30)

Beauty, as it is often said, is in the eyes of the beholder. Our society is in a confused state as to how a woman should look. On the one hand, some say we should be true to ourselves, that size and looks do not matter and on the other hand, magazines focus on women who are physically beautiful, with beautiful breasts and spotless faces. 
In the church as well, the issue of how a woman should look has brought a lot of confusions. 

Beauty can be categorized into two – the outer beauty (shape, colour, facial look, height, body size and weight), and the inner beauty (personality, character, charm, heart etc.). 
No woman is ugly; every woman is unique and beautiful in her own way. The inner beauty is always the best beauty because it radiates from the inside and reflects on the outside. 

The true beauty of a woman does not come from looking at the mirror, but deep down the heart is where the beauty of the woman resides/dwells - the heart determines the beauty. It must be seen in her eyes, the doorway to her heart! 

Men, do not love that woman because she is physically beautiful, rather, a woman becomes beautiful because of your love for her. That explains why some men fall out of love when what attracted them initially is no longer there. 
No matter how beautiful a woman may look, if it does not come from the inside, it repulses whoever comes her way, and if someone approaches her based on her looks alone, the relationship dies with time. 

Women, you do not need a perfect figure to be beautiful, do not need expensive wardrobe to impress, rather should be confident and positive in your appearance, it is far more precious. You do not also need make-up or new hairstyle to attract that guy, rather be joyful, soft and passionate because it makes you sparkle. Radiate with excitement and energy and he won’t help but notice you each time he sees you. 

There is one remarkable woman in the bible who every woman should strive to be like; she represents beauty in its totality, and that is the woman in Proverbs 31:10-31. 

Let us see some descriptions of her: 
1. Her husband loves and trusts her with all his heart (vs. 11,12) 
2. She is enterprising and hardworking (vs. 13-16,24) 
3. She is strong (vs. 17-19,25) 
4. She is compassionate (vs. 20) 
5. She is caring (vs. 21,27) 
6. She is careful with her looks. In other words she is neat (vs. 22) 
7. Her husband is proud of her (vs. 23) 
8. She is wise, and careful with words (vs. 26) 
9. She is loving (vs. 28) 
10. She is rewarded for her labour of love (vs. 31) 

 She is a demonstration of how beauty and wisdom is not restricted to religious matters alone, but in every aspect of our lives. May our lives as women, demonstrate the true beauty that is found in the life of this woman in Jesus name. 

God bless you! 

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