Tuesday 12 February 2019

Difference between men and women

Nobody will disagree or argue with the fact that men and women are never the same physically, mentally, psychologically, emotionally and many other ways.
In my book, “The Real you…”, I mentioned that understanding the differences between individuals make relationships more interesting and less strenuous, and the differences are probably good…
The physical differences between men and women are obvious, can be seen and easily measured. Weight, size, shape, colour and anatomy are tangible and easily measured – men have greater upper strength (what we refer to as six packs), build muscle easily, have thicker skin which makes them bruise less easily, they are built for physical confrontation and use of force with joints well suited for throwing things/objects.
A man’s skull is thicker and stronger than a woman’s, which makes them more ‘thick-headed’ than women. Women on the other hand have like four times as many brain cells (neurons) connecting the right and left side of the brain unlike the male counterparts and this provides physical evidence that supports the observation that men rely easily and more heavily on their left brain to solve one problem one step at a time. Women have more efficient access to both sides of their brain and therefore makes greater use of their right brain (Michael G. Conner).
This explains why women multitask – focuses on more than one thing at a time. God doesn’t make mistakes.

Recognizing and understanding these differences especially in relationships can be stressful and difficult; but failure to recognize and appreciate these differences can become the cause of disappointments, frustrations, stress, tension and eventual collapse of relationships. You find out that instead of people to work past the difficulties, they would grudgingly accept or learn to cope or live with the consequences, when they feel they cannot change it.
Most of the relationship problems we have between men and women arise as a result of undue expectations – when we expect or assume the opposite sex should think, feel or act the way we do or that a relationship should be devoid of conflicts, issues or always end in happily ever after, in sweet communion and harmony.
These expectations are not only unrealistic but at the end of the day leave people feeling unloved, inadequate, insecure, ashamed and miserable etc. What is the way out? The only way is to be aware of our identities, understand and appreciate the differences and live our individual lives fully, not try to change others to suit our needs and to do away with any unnecessary expectations from one another.

An ideal relationship to a man is one where he gets to feel like the MAN – acknowledged, respected and appreciated while for the woman is one where she feels understood and connected to her man. We are going to look at the different ways that men and women are different, in stages.

So for now we would consider one: Problem solving 
Men and women approach problems with similar goals but with different methods and processes.

A man will consider himself weak and incapable if he voices out his feelings or leans on others for help or support, he prefers to think through and offer effective solutions to problems.
This explains why men always wants to have their space, resent or hate it when the women try to offer help or support – because it makes them feel like objects of pity, like they can’t handle their situations themselves.
Sound familiar? What do you do as a woman? Admire, appreciate, be a source of relief but don’t try to help him except he asks for it, don’t bring up his stresses or struggles and don’t take it personal. Just listen and understand, ask questions if need be but please, just understand, otherwise trying to help (which is part of the nature of a woman) pushes him away the more.

A woman would want to express or talk through her problems, discussing the situation in details and finding how to solve them, she want support from those close to her, which include her partner.
The solution to problems as well as how it is solved is important to a woman too, because to her it provides opportunity to strengthen the relationship with the person she is talking to.
Talking about issues and getting support makes a woman feel good, but this makes a man feel frustrated.
However, this does not encourage women discussing private/relationship matters with friends and relations; it is not good enough; there should be limits.

Understanding of these differences helps a lot in strengthening relationships between men and women, helps you understand that your partners have your best interests at heart and wants to help; they just do it in different ways.

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