Saturday 16 March 2019


In whatever form it comes we do realize that when we say that we have a dream we are arguably not making sense. You do not have control or power over dreams in whatever way.
They are beyond you, looking at them from pure spiritual cum philosophical realms. It is so because in what ever form they come, dreams are involuntary in one form and equally destined in the other and either or both control us. We don't have them.

No, instead they have and posses us or bulldoze their way through us. Those realms are independent of man but need the human form to expresses the purpose of their Creator.

Whether viewed from ecclesiastical angle no one goes to bed and decides the type of dream he'd have. You just lie down and the mortal body becomes a vehicle.
The inexplicable activity in the brain when we sleep and a combination of the mystical and divine play their games in us. It is through the body that sleeping gives dreams a meaning in work environment, so to speak. Such a condition shape out dream in form and without sleep we can't dream.

Dreams are our masters in our sleep mode and we are just absolutely slaves to that which we are not in control of. To some it comes early, in others it comes late.
But dreams 'sleep' and actually wake up from sleep itself. Sounds rhetorical and complicated, doesn't it? Dreams sleep as they please and man does not have the trigger to wake them up until they decide to wake up all by themselves.
When we say or claim that we woke up the dream in us, it's a lie. We are not equipped to do that. When dreams come up by themselves we often lay claims on the trigger.
This may be a bit difficult to explain. But remembering Albert Einstein in one of his classic expressions, he said that if you can't explain something to someone, then you yourself don't understand it.
So let's make an attempt here to understand my drift, using that school girl 'Success' from Delta State as an illustration.
A girl whose name was asleep but the dream in her spoke and we all witnessed her mouth forming words and acting them out.
We all thought she was the one speaking, not realising that something beyond her age and size was actually the power speaking. Her dream talked and has instantly placed her involuntarily beyond her stead.

Or how could she stubbornly say and I paraphrase "that the cane will flog, flog and flog her until it gets tired… and that she would soon leave their 'pako' school"
Going back to our insights, first does dream sleep? That I know is the question on someone else's lips reading this right now. Did 'Success' dream or woke her dream up? No she did not! But there was a dream in her that was in control of her person!

It found the right environment and opportunity and hit the right cord by speaking in the manner (it) she did.
While we consider that scenario another person reading this may ask, is it not only a person or a living being who sleeps that can talk about dreaming?

And if dream is something that has residence in our subconsciousness can such involuntary feeling wake up? Well, as we know there are people who don't even have the physical ability to dream but they sleep all the same. Their dream is in permanent state of coma!
So our discussion is not located in the mind or reasoning, or what happens in your brain when we are asleep and the brain is awake. It is not even in our ability to calculate where it resides. Sometimes it's in our fists, legs or association.

The "dreams" that we convert into action are called by various names and expressed likewise. Some call them plans or ideas. Others call them thoughts, imaginations, conception, hopes, foresights and stuff in those manner.
Most times we set out to achieve them by engaging oneself in purpose and drive. Sometimes they come through. Other times they feeble or fail woefully. And recently we saw some politicians in those moulds.

But the type of dream this article is talking about are extraneous to our desires and are incontrollable. They have minds of their own and are in our stars controlled by destiny and manifest in unusual ways. Another thing and that is perhaps its overbearing character is that they are original and never ever pretentious.

Such was what we saw in that little girl from Warri, Success, whose dream spoke in colloquial or pidgin English, when she said she'd prefer to be flogged thoroughly and be left to stay in school instead.
Hers was the type of dream that takes flogging as a balanced died to grow and manifest. We all know that flogging would ordinarily scare other children of her age away from school, but not to the little Miss Success. There is in her name, a Success that is in her dream that found clear expression in that little body!

Courtesy: Pat Uchendu

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