Tuesday 31 March 2020

Opinion: Scary Probability

~ By Pat Uchendu

It is no longer a secret that China is developing an artificial Sun that would be six times hotter than the one God created, at 100 million degrees Celsius, ready to be lunched into orbit soon.

The Sun that God gave mankind has too many characteristics unknown to man. But I can argue that half of what man even claims to know about the Sun may not altogether be correct. The Sun is a ball of fire and no one plays with fire.

Currently there’s no known space vessel that can near or dare the sun. We observe from a distance and brilliant minds have done great job of it.

The latest I know of is that a space vehicle was lunched sometime in the past into space at an astronomical speed, which sends pictures to earth. At the time I followed up, it took three days for each picture to reach the earth. It’s been years now and the vehicle is still tearing away at an unbelievable speed into the abyss of the space. It is not designed to return to earth!

I once read a scientific piece where science agreed that there is God without any pretense, in that it said that God so calculated the position of the Sun in such details that if it comes within a few metres to earth we shall all burn up alive like over fried plantain in very hot oil. Then oceans and seas would rise, the frozen parts of those waters would melt and swallow up the earth. And conversely, if it moves the same distance away from earth we shall all freeze up within minutes.

Of particular note is that the Sun is an incredible source of energy.

Now China is creating a particular Sun and I can infer what their purpose is.

With the speed of technology at their command what if China develops their Sun as a source of special energy yet unknown to man, that they only can control? What will follow next is better imagined.

They may start producing a new generation of equipment, cars, trains, machinery, robots, house-hold gadgets, lights, just about anything that requires energy, at cheaper rates than ever before.

This new product being cheaper and efficient will quietly relegate the present stuffs man uses.

Every known kind of energy will be old fashioned immediately. If you don’t comply with them, they will switch off the Sun.

China is crazy and I hope that I, too have not gone crazy with these postulations and possibilities.

Let’s keep keeping safe with the forced Covid-19 holidays.

The post Opinion: Scary Probability appeared first on Welcome to Njay Blog.

source https://njay.com.ng/opinion-scary-probability/

Opinion: The All Important IF…

~ By Pat Uchendu

If China has actually found the antidote to Covid-19, here are my thoughts…

The first thing am convinced about is that Covid-19 didn’t drop from the blues. It was developed and the people behind it were actually over reaching themselves either deliberately or inadvertently with some diabolic intensions. Whether intentionally created or otherwise, either way the scale and speed of spread was grossly miscalculated and took the architects behind it unawares.

But question is, what were the premises that lent energy to this rather crazy agenda. My conviction is that it was possibly made real by scientific projections, the common ones being the fear Bill Gates raised in 2015 in a document called “Scenario Future Technology And International Development” where he countered and admonished that the threat to mankind would not come from the unwinnable nuclear war nor the annihilation of human race through Atomic Bombs like it happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but by a roundish virus with multiple tentacles. How he knew may not be far from how he developed computer softwares.

Other projections were scientific fictions/fantasies and creative movies which the most popular and near reality ones are:

  1. The Pandemic
  2. Black Death
  3. The last Ship (Season1-5)

Now some might wonder how this is possible. The answer is in the creative power of the human mind. But more of a whole lot of many ‘ifs’, that is, possibilities. Sometimes when ideas are conceived, achieving them is a matter of time and dedication. Some of the references cited here, like most discoveries and breakthroughs start with a simple thought. For instance, man has been able to fly and virtually conquered space by one or two crazy ideas initially considered as impossible. Even as I write many people have other crazy ideas in the cooler and are waiting for the right opportunity to lunch them.

When John F. Kennedy was the President, America was challenged by Russia in space adventure and technology. All he did was a callout to American scientists to develop a vehicle that could “take man to the moon and bring him back alive.” It happened!

So, if Covid-19 was deliberate it is possible that it was a ‘weapon’ to reply the stout national sentiments that Donald Trump expressed at his inauguration about checkmating the increasing rise of China, industrially and economically. China has gotten to a level in world stage that it considers herself unstoppable, even if it means ruffling world peace and order. And we must not downplay the communist tendencies of China. Communism never cares about knocking some heads up or down, if the core essence of that ideology is under threat. When that happens the supposed supremacy of Chinese national aspirations and protection swings into action.

My feeling is that perhaps President Donald Trump talked too much and was overtly undiplomatic when he said; “Americans should consume American goods and ride American cars”. A position he was so unpretentious about and targeted at China, of which he followed with action while China went silently for reaction and to activate their plans.

A virus was developed to move at Chinese speed so to say, smartly put through some borders into countries they considered threats to their fast economic emergence and almost dominance, particularly USA. It was to be a virus that can spread through human contacts and a lot of Western Europeans and America were really making endless stream of those contacts, especially Italy. Unfortunately it permeated America before they knew it. That may explain the astronomical rise in Covid-19 cases over a few days.

Next, China allowed the virus to hit themselves knowing they have the antidote. Following they conceived what do to scare the world.

And before you begin to rationalise on morals about the lives that would be lost, come on, are you kidding me? China is an iron curtain of a country with its own personality and views about how and why the world must listen to them. They relate to any country not as nice people but one to take over. If in doubt check how they have virtually taken over Africa.

By allowing a terrifying virus hit a loose city in their country where some dissidents are used as guinea pigs they were ready to roll. They found that in Wuhan, a city with a pot pourri of all sorts, including the bizarre animals market and naked consumption of despicable things.

While China waited for the right time to hit the world a wasteful long process of impeachment engulfed America, distracted Trump who was fighting for his political career.

If anyone ever saw the initial videos from China at the outbreak of Covid-19 you’d notice the drama as infected people were dropping dead on the streets and supermarkets, thereby creating the fear and effect they wanted. In the frantic and frenzy show to deliver that fear around the world, China would build incredible hospital facilities, put together in a matter of hours or a couple of days. As the videos filled the international media the world was deceived, clapping and hailed their speed and sophistication at building sky scrappers and sprawling estates.

Question is: could they have achieved that speed in building those facilities if the whole thing was not a premeditated orchestration?

But something more sinister would be thrown in the mix. Dr. Li Weliang who blew the lid on this grand agenda was said to have contracted heavy doses of Covid-19 virus and died. And only last week, Chinese authorities apologised to the family of the doctor. Again questions are with a legion of ‘Ifs’
a) Why did they apologise?
b) What’s the apology for?
c) Do governments apologise to the family of dead officials doing their work?
d) Why did the apology come after they announced that the virus had been contained and eradicated in Wuhan?
e) Why did it come many weeks after Dr Li Weliang died?
f) If someone dies in the course of his duty is that not an honour?
g) Was Dr. Li Weliang sacrificed or silenced?

Many questions make this Covid-19 the greatest agenda and enemy to civilisation all to China’s advantage.

It has collapsed the world oil price so that their large appetite to run their economy would be cheap.

It has crashed the world stocks and Chinese companies and individuals across the globe are mopping them up.

It has put America in great confusion in an election year and is reducing their muscle and opinion on world stage while Russia waits in dignified comfort as can be found in Putin’s confidence and focus.

But the most curious aspect of this scheme is that Wuhan that was the source and epicentre of Covid-19 is suddenly said to have a clean bill of health. Here I wish to borrow a piece I found somewhere. It talked about the distances of many cities from Wuhan:

Wuhan to Shanghai = 839 km
Wuhan to Beijing = 1152 km
Milan from Wuhan = 15000 km
Wuhan to New York = 15000 km
Wuhan to Italy = 8695km
Wuhan to India = 3695 km
Wuhan to Iran = 5667 km

Coronavirus has no or very minimal effect in nearby Beijing/Shanghai but deaths in Italy, Iran, European countries are currently ravaging far flung countries that seemingly divide and share Chinese economic influences around the world.

Just as the disease became hydra-headed and countries like Italy, Spain and USA were literally competing with each other on the top charts of heaviest affected countries we are told that the disease is under control in China. Same China?!

Before that good health certificate on Wuhan some crazy digital artists flooded the internet with a silly creature in the skies. They claimed it was “Coronavirus leaving the sufface of earth.” Laughable though. But expectedly some gullible minds believed the crap and suddenly like a mist it went fiaaam then Wuhan was free from the virus. A very curious interjection!

China has caused one, if not the greatest threats to mankind. China has some questions that they must provide answers to.

Covid-19 is a Chinese disease. The final cure and cost must come from China.

But something with potential catastrophic disaster worse than Covid-19 may be in the offing from China, for which US has not been comfortable about. It’s the 5G technology which some say that the negative impact on humans will make Chernobyl a child’s play.

Who and what can stop China?

The post Opinion: The All Important IF… appeared first on Welcome to Njay Blog.

source https://njay.com.ng/opinion-the-all-important-if/

Update: 4 new cases of coronavirus reported in Nigeria

Four new cases of #COVID19 have been reported in Nigeria; 3 in Osun and 1 in Ogun states respectively.

As at 11:15 am 31st March, there are 135 confirmed cases of #COVID19 reported in Nigeria with 2 deaths.

For a breakdown of cases by states in real time, please see http://covid19.ncdc.gov.ng

Currently, we have:
Lagos- 81
FCT- 25
Ogun- 4
Enugu- 2
Ekiti- 1
Oyo- 8
Edo- 2
Bauchi- 2
Benue- 1
Kaduna- 3

The post Update: 4 new cases of coronavirus reported in Nigeria appeared first on Welcome to Njay Blog.

source https://njay.com.ng/update-4-new-cases-of-coronavirus-reported-in-nigeria/

Electricity tariff to increase by April 1.

Reports making the rounds is that there would be an increase in electricity tariff from Wednesday, April 1st 2020 which is caused by shortage in gas production.

The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) had earlier disclosed this in its December 2019 Minor Review of Multi -Year Tariff Order 2015 and Minimum Remittance Order for the Year 2020, that the order was issued to reflect the impact of changes in the minor review variables in the determination of cost -reflective tariffs and relevant tariff and market shortfalls for 2019 and 2020.

Fact Checks by The PUNCH on Monday showed that the decision to increase tariff had not yet been suspended despite the lockdown occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Report obtained that a top source at Ikeja Electric told The PUNCH that the firm had not received any directive from NERC as regards reversal of the plan.

He said, “According to the tariff order for the year, we are supposed to increase on April 1 , 2020. So far, we have not received any directive not to go ahead.”

The commission said that the order also determined the minimum remittances payable by the distribution companies in meeting their market obligations based on the allowed tariffs.

It said, “The Federal Government’s updated Power Sector Recovery Programme does not envisage an immediate increase in end-user tariffs until April 1, 2020, and a transition to full cost reflectivity by end of 2021.

The post Electricity tariff to increase by April 1. appeared first on Welcome to Njay Blog.

source https://njay.com.ng/electricity-tariff-to-increase-by-april-1/

WHO: Alcohol does not cure coronavirus, increases health risk

The World Health Organisation has said that drinking alcohol in order to cure coronavirus will increase health risk as it is only a myth.

It says, “Drinking alcohol DOES NOT protect you against COVID19 and can be dangerous.”

The post WHO: Alcohol does not cure coronavirus, increases health risk appeared first on Welcome to Njay Blog.

source https://njay.com.ng/who-alcohol-does-not-cure-coronavirus-increases-health-risk/

Monday 30 March 2020

Covid-19: 20 new cases confirmed in Nigeria

The NCDC has confirmed 20 new cases of Coronavirus in Nigeria. According to the agency, 13 cases were confirmed in Lagos, 4 in FCT, 2 in Kaduna and 1 in Oyo State. This brings the total number of cases to 131 in Nigeria.

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source https://njay.com.ng/covid-19-20-new-cases-confirmed-in-nigeria/

Covid-19: Nigeria records second death

Minister of Health, Osagie Ehanire, announced this to newsmen during the Presidential Task Force briefing on COVID-19 in Abuja today Monday, March 30th.

”Till date, three persons have been discharged after successful treatment. But sadly, another fatality was recorded over the weekend in the person of a patient who had severe underlying illnesses.

We have intensified contact tracing and our strategy remains to promptly detect cases, isolate them, and follow up with their contacts and also isolate and treat, in order to reduce the spread of the infection.

As of today, the 30th of March, 2020, we have recorded 111 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Nigeria of which 68 are in Lagos, 21 in the FCT, seven in Oyo, three in Ogun, two in Bauchi, two in  Edo, two in Osun, two in Enugu, and one each in Benue, Ekiti, Kaduna and Rivers States,” he said

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source https://njay.com.ng/covid-19-nigeria-records-second-death/

Breaking: Oyo state Governor, Seyi Makinde tests positive for coronavirus

Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo state has tested positive for Coronavirus. He announced this on Twitter this evening and becomes the third Nigerian governor to test positive for the virus after Bala Mohammed of Bauchi state and Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna state.

The post Breaking: Oyo state Governor, Seyi Makinde tests positive for coronavirus appeared first on Welcome to Njay Blog.

source https://njay.com.ng/breaking-oyo-state-governor-seyi-makinde-tests-positive-for-coronavirus/

Coronavirus: Niece dies, 16 other family members infected after attending funeral of aunt

Sheila Brooks (86) from the UK died last month from coronavirus and now the family has come out to encourage people to take social distancing measures seriously after losing two loved ones to coronavirus and almost 16 relatives have become infected with the virus.

Sheila died on February 9 from Covid-19 and her funeral was held on March 13.

Few days after her burial, her niece Susan Nelson, 65, fell ill and later died of coronavirus even though she had no underlying health conditions. Susan, a retired sandwich shop owner from Halesowen, West Midlands, died on the same hospital ward as her aunt Sheila.


Now, 16 family members – including Susan’s husband, daughter, a niece and a great-uncle who have the virus, said they suspect they caught the virus at Sheila’s funeral.

Susan and husband

Susan’s daughter Amanda, 34, an NHS business support manager, is now isolating with her father, Robert, who suffers from Addison’s Disease.

Amanda said she is worried the disease could claim the lives of other family members

‘My 21-year-old cousin has it, right the way up to a great uncle that is 88 and is showing some symptoms. ‘It is a whole section of us, none of us seems to have been missed out of it just yet. It’s a bit strange.’ She said to Metro UK.

“I would say that around 17 family members have been displaying symptoms since going to that funeral. It’s hit young and old in our family. Our beautiful, caring mum was the centre of the family – we are a very close, large family and this has destroyed us.”

Susan’s 42-year-old son Carl, who lives in Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, said to Metro UK: ‘She was coughing a lot, very breathless and showing all the traditional symptoms. He added that her sudden death ‘shows how quickly this can escalate.”

‘I managed to speak to her on the phone when my dad got to the hospital and all she wanted was for me to come down,’ Carl said.

‘I had my suitcase packed ready to head down, but the hospital was telling me I wasn’t allowed.

“I had to tell her they wouldn’t let me and I wasn’t allowed to see her. I didn’t want her to die thinking that I didn’t want to come. ‘We have got to beat it and we can’t have any other families to go through what we are going through at the moment.”

“It’s about getting the message out. It’s about seeing the faces of loved ones and thinking this is real.”

“The speed it acts is phenomenal and how vicious it is can’t be underestimated. ‘Everyone, please follow the advice. Stay home, stay safe. Anyone who thinks they are fit and healthy, that it’s just like the cold or flu, don’t risk it.” Carl said.

“The last person I thought it would take would be my mum. I was worried about my dad, who has underlying health conditions,” Amanda added.

Source: lindaikeji

The post Coronavirus: Niece dies, 16 other family members infected after attending funeral of aunt appeared first on Welcome to Njay Blog.

source https://njay.com.ng/coronavirus-niece-dies-16-other-family-members-infected-after-attending-funeral-of-aunt/

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